Books & Tapes
"...Donna, I like your books very much..." Jimmy Stewart, actor
Donna Blasor-Bernhardt...Tok, Alaska's Poet Laureate, and Poet Laureate of the Alaska Highway, now has 11 books (under 9 covers) and three audio tapes available. Four of
these books are Alaskan poetry, recounting in verse actual experiences of the author, from the sad to the most humorous situations. Most of the poetry books contain color photos of the famous tent,
cabin, Donna, and a letter she received from M*A*S*H star, Alan Alda. Two books are non-fiction, one is short stories, one is a recipe book and one is a children's book. All books are soft cover.
Order the true
story of "life in the tent"
from Donna
+ $3.95
from amazon.com
story of the Alaska Highway and the men
who built it in 1942
it from amazon.com
$7.95 Poetry. This is the book that started it all, plus its sequel--two books in one. As the temperature
plummeted to 69 degrees below zero, the first poem in the book (see below) was actually written late one night while the author lived in the tent. 55 pages, color centerfold of the tent, 3 page foreword on life in the tent (see the "Tent" page). Now in its eighth printing.
$7.95 Poetry. 47 pages, color centerfold of the tent. Now in its fourth printing
...An unusual lifestyle that you have, but being where you are, away from the hustle and bustle of
the cities makes for a quiet place to write. I wish you all success...." William Shatner, actor.
BEYOND...THE TENT IN TOK (VOL 4) $7.95 Poetry. 44 pages, color centerfold of the tent. Now in its third printing
"...the books....certainly captured the spirit of Alaska...the tape will continue projecting that same uplifting feeling...keep up the good work..."
Governor & Mrs. Walter J. Hickel.
$8.95 Non-fiction. 60 pages, true stories and never-before-published B &W photos from the men who built the Alaska Highway in 1942. Now in its
fourth printing.
"...Donna Blasor-Bernhardt, the Tok poet, writes strong lyrics about the rugged life where the Alaska Highway meets the wilderness..."
Stanton Patty, Seattle Times
LOVE....AND THE TENT IN TOK (VOL 6) $7.95 Poetry. 60 pages, color centerfold of the tent. First edition.
"...Donna is fired with a passion for life...much of her work expresses her resiliency and her spunky bush philosophy..."
Gloria Maschmeyer, Alaska magazine
 RECIPES...FROM THE TENT IN TOK/RECIPES OF THE GOLDFIELDS (VOL 7) $8.95 Recipes and tongue-in-cheek commentary about their origins. Two books in one. 64 pages, 3 page foreword on life in the tent (see the "Tent" page), 4 page history of
the Klondike gold rush. Third edition.
~TOK~ THE REAL STORY $7.95 Non-fiction. 16 pages. The true story of a young husky pup and his best friend "Dynamite"--a
black bear cub--and how, because of this unlikely pair, Tok, Alaska got its name. Researched and verified through military records and interviews with the man who actually named the spot on the map in
1942 which would later become the town of Tok. Black and white centerfold of the husky and the black bear. Second edition.
 ANGELA'S RAINCOAT $7.95 Children's book. 32
pages. Who is Angela? And why does her mother insist she go out and play in the rain without a raincoat? Each page in color sketches by the author. Second edition. NEW!! ANGELA'S RAINCOAT COLORING BOOK $6.95. The same exact story as above, same sketches, but now your child can color his/her own
book and save it as a keepsake. Great birthday gift or Christmas stocking stuffer for the grandkids! Comes shrinkwrapped with a box of 8 crayons. ond edition.
SHORT STORIES BY FROZEN INK $7.95. Frozen Ink, founded by Donna in 1996, is Tok's
first and only writer's group. Meeting the first Monday of each winter month, they get together, write, talk, and laugh. This is a compilation of short stories by several of their members. First edition.
GOING TO THE END OF THE WORLD $ 10.95. 30-minute stereo audio cassette tape. Original songs, poetry and narrative, tells of Donna's trip up the Alaska Highway as a child in 1951.
Co-written/co-produced by David Stancliff
Special on "Going To The End of The World" set.
Buy one CD at regular price ($10.00) and get the tape for half price ($5.50). To order, write "GTTEOTW SPECIAL" on your check or money order in the amount of $15.50, plus $3.00
postage and handling (total $18.50 per set) and mail to Donna Blasor-Bernhardt, P.O. Box 61, Tok, Alaska 99780.
$6.95. 30-minute audio cassette tape. Donna recites selected poems from her book "More...a Tent In Tok."
GETTYSBURG/field of Love & Honor $12.50. 50-minute stereo audio cassette
tape The only non-Alaskan project Donna has done. The battlefield stirred her to this presentation, which tells in original song, narrative and poetry, the story of the heroic
battle there as seen through the eyes of a battlefield nurse. Co-written/co-produced by David Stancliff.
A TENT IN TOK This is our "house" among the spruce, The guy lines are taut and never loose.
It's all we have; it isn't much, The walls are sewn from canvas duck. The roof above is canvas, too, But it's a roof, so it will do. We heat with wood, both birch and spruce.
The stewpot's full of rump of moose. Our beds are cots with bags of down, The walls aren't white; they're olive brown. Blazo boxes stacked (and there are four) Serve as shelves from roof to floor.
Of running water? We haven't any. And trips to the outhouse? There are many! A kerosene lamp provides our light. Our freezer's a box set out at night To keep things cold in winter's snow
Or frozen solid at fifty below. And since we're short of electricity We're basically back to simplicity. Though life is hard, it's not so bad, We've got more than we might have had.
And...come spring when winter's over, The fireweed blooms and so does the clover, We'll build a cabin of pine and spruce And welcome our neighbor...a big bull moose...
To graze in the yard as he did before And gaze again at our front door... But it will be of solid, built, No more, a door, of canvas quilt.
(c) Copyright-Donna Blasor-Bernhardt
Complete contents-text, music, and photos-copyright Donna Blasor-Bernhardt